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Machinability of 904L Super Austenitic Steel

Machinability of 904L Super Austenitic Steel
The 904L is a super austenitic steel with a high chromium content, nickel, and platinum. It has excellent corrosion resistance in dilute sulfuric acids, particularly. The stainless steel grade is 00Cr20Ni25M04.5Cu. It is a super austenitic high alloyed stainless steel with a very low carbon content. Copper is added to the alloy to increase its resistance to acids. It is also designed to be used in environments that are harshly corrosive. This type of stainless steel is used primarily in the manufacturing of corrosion-resistant pressure vessel, and its products are used mainly in the sewage treatment, chemicals, paper, and other industries.
904L Super austenitic stainless Steel
The 904L stainless is difficult to work with and offers poor cutting properties. There are a few main reasons.
The cutting force of stainless steel 904L is higher than that of other stainless steels. The hardness is low (7090HRB), however, it has a good plasticity. Its elongation, reduction of area, tensile and yield strength are all high.
Second, low thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity for 904L stainless is only 12.9W/ (mmk), which is less than stainless steel angle, and about 1/4 that of 45#. The thermal conductivity of the material is a major factor that influences the cutting heat conduction performance. The heat that is removed by chips and workpieces will be less, but more will accumulate on the tool.

Easy to form a built-up edge. The 904L stainless has more toughness and is therefore better suited to the tooling material. The rake of the tool creates a lot of friction when cutting the metal chip. A chip accumulation will occur when high temperatures and pressures are combined. The uneven surface makes it difficult to achieve the high-quality processing surface for stainless steel plates.






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